and the Winner is….

The Winner - Barb Kowalski!

Congratulations to Barb Kowalski of Gardnerville, Nevada for winning our blog contest!  We notified Barb this week and she said she had to read our email multiple times before it sunk in that she won.  Barb, who has attended AQT in the past, will be taking Patty Hawkins workshop and is looking forward to coming back to Zephyr Point, which just happens to be just over the hill from where she lives.

Subscribe to our new blog by 7/31/10 and you’ll be entered to win a FREE registration fee of $1,450

Welcome to our newly transformed Art Quilt Tahoe website and blog!

Subscribe to our new blog by 7/31/2010 and you’ll automatically be entered to win a free registration fee of $1,450 to attend Art Quilt Tahoe in 2010 or 2011…your choice…even if you are currently registered to attend!  Transportation is not included…but the prize includes a coveted single room, all meals and the teacher of your choice!

We also want to notify you that Sue Benner’s workshop is nearly full.  So, if you are planning on attending and want Sue’s workshop, you need to sign up soon!