Betty Busby

Betty Busby

After graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design with a ceramics major, Betty Busby founded a custom ceramic tile manufacturing firm in Los Angeles. After nearly 20 years of running the firm, she sold the business in 1994 (it is still in operation to this day).

Upon relocating to New Mexico, she changed the focus of her art work to fiber, taking it full time in 2004.

Her manufacturing background has lead to constant experimentation with new materials and techniques that fuel her work.

The classic fractal structures of the sub microscopic world are a constant inspiration, as are natural processes, such as oxidation, replication and growth.

Visit Betty’s web site

Workshop: Multimedia Fiber

For several years I have been exploring the use of various non woven materials in my fiber art.

They have been a wonderful addition to traditional fabrics, extending the range of expression that can be achieved.

The class will include the use of non woven materials, ways to produce images with them, and methods to incorporate them to extend the range of expression that can be achieved with traditional fabrics.

We will also explore the use of an electric cutting machine (Cameo) to cut the non wovens into finely tuned shapes.  You will learn how to draw a pattern from scratch, put it into the cutter software, and adjust the settings on the machine to produce results that are useable in many applications.

 In addition, I have developed new ways of painting fabrics.  Students can make samples using my methods and materials, and combine them with the non wovens as desired.

I am also more than happy to assist students with making their own designs and patterns.

The aim of the class is to give each student many exciting ideas to experiment with. 

The non woven that I use and 1/2 yard of silk habotai are provided in the class.  Additional materials will be available to purchase if supply allows.

material fee: $25 per person

Workshop Supply List