Art Quilt Tahoe 2010 Teeshirt

Great news…Sue Benner is designing our collectible 2010 teeshirt! We’ll download an image soon for all to see. If you’d like to order a teeshirt, just email us and we’ll take your order!

2 thoughts on “Art Quilt Tahoe 2010 Teeshirt

  1. Question about the T-shirt— Are they being printed on women’s or men’s shirts? It makes a difference in the size I order. I will be at the retreat and would like to have one but hesitate to order without knowing the type of shirt it is. Thanks, Sue

  2. Hi Sue,

    The shirts are actually Unisex but fit women nicely. We’ve been ordering the same shirt for 10 years and everyone likes them! We’ll have extra sizes, so if the one we order doesn’t work, you can switch it to a smaller or larger size!



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