Subscribe to our new blog by 7/31/10 and you’ll be entered to win a FREE registration fee of $1,450

Welcome to our newly transformed Art Quilt Tahoe website and blog!

Subscribe to our new blog by 7/31/2010 and you’ll automatically be entered to win a free registration fee of $1,450 to attend Art Quilt Tahoe in 2010 or 2011…your choice…even if you are currently registered to attend!  Transportation is not included…but the prize includes a coveted single room, all meals and the teacher of your choice!

We also want to notify you that Sue Benner’s workshop is nearly full.  So, if you are planning on attending and want Sue’s workshop, you need to sign up soon!

18 thoughts on “Subscribe to our new blog by 7/31/10 and you’ll be entered to win a FREE registration fee of $1,450

  1. Wow! This is a very nice way to keep us all interacting, as we build up to our 2010 Art Quilt Tahoe happening! Congratulations and thanks for setting this up, you guys!

    Patty Hawkins told me how wonderful the first year at the new location of Zephyr Point was! I taught for her group, Front Range Contemporary Quilters, last year at a Salvation Army camp high in the Rockies in Colorado. No internet to speak of, and no cell phone access! But it was wonderful! After Patty taught later at Zephyr Point for AQT, she told me “Wait til you see THIS place!!!!” I’m so ready to teach right there at the lake!

    Much love and big thanks, Susan

  2. This will be my first year at AQT….can’t wait. Anxious to hear from other past and future participants/ classmates. I love the new website, and appreciate this tool to stay in communication. Thanks. Janice Filler

  3. Nice design on the new website Judy, well done! Looking forward to our return to AQT in November, it will be here before we know it.

  4. I am also anxiounly awaiting my first experience at Art Quilt Tahoe. The new look on your website is wonderful.
    Thanks, Charlotte Hickman

  5. After having less than stellar results in my last project, I am a little worried about skill levels. Can Katie and Velda’s classes accomodate beggining or emerging intermediate skill levels?

  6. Can’t wait for the classes and Zephyr Point looks marvelous! Thanks for the opportunity.

  7. Hi Cathi,

    Both are excellent teachers and both are fabulous with begining and emerging art quilters. So, not to worry. Katie’s work is more architectural and layered when she deals with realism while Velda’s work is more about photgraphic realism…should that help you make up your mind. We’d love to have you join us!


    Judy Bernard

  8. Thinking about attending Art Quilt Tahoe is like Christmas Eve when I was a kid… So Butterfly Excited! I am asking the Boss for time off on Monday!

  9. Terrific…we’ll look forward to having you join us. Which workshop are you thinking about?

  10. I am interested in Velda’s “Creating Realism” workshop. Is it filling up fast?

  11. Hi Sandy,

    Yes…we have a few openings in all classes, except Sue Benner’s workshop, which is closed. Thanks for your interest and we hope you’ll join us.

    Judy Bernard

  12. I have registered and have experienced a roller coaster of emotion. Initially, it was all anxiety, “can I keep up, am I enough of an artist to commit to this?” Almost 12 hours later I am back to 100% excited. Does anyone have any comments, advice, pearls of sanity? Cathi

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